Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance –Meeting called to order at 7:32.  PSFA Officers in attendance: Jessica Evans, Janice Quattrochi, Anthony Quattrochi, Lang Holtz, Jody Sackett. 23 members/students in attendance.

  1. Co-Presidents’ Report – Jessica Evans (2017) and Janice Quattrochi (2017):  Jessica introduced Olivia Malesco, who announced that NHS was holding a Blood Drive on March 1st from 7:30 – noon, and they need adults to donate to reach goal. Parents can email if they want to donate and more convenient appointments can be made for them later in the day, if they contact NHS Advisor Ms. Lane at .
  2. Approval of January PSFA Meeting Minutes -Recording Secretary Jody Sackett (2018): Carol Pardee motioned to approve; Caren McConnell seconded.  Minutes approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report-Joann Passantino (2016) :  Jessica gave the treasurer’s report. January had standard deposits and withdrawals.  Joann will provide a written report next month.
  4. Corresponding Secretary Report-Anthony Quattrochi (2017): Mrs. Clevenger submitted a faculty grant to the PSFA for Fitness Room mini-fridge (for injury ice & drinks); she wrote a lovely thank you note to us.
  5. CHS Student Government Association Report-Mark DiSpigna (2017). Jessica read Mark’s report, as follows:  SGA selling choc covered Strawberry Grams until Feb 9th for delivery on Feb 13th VD.  Spring Spirit week has been scheduled from April 18-22.  Also, CHS Magnets are in the office now, $5 each. Drama Club members here announced its spring production of Somewhere Nowhere on April 29th & 30th at Jersey Shore Arts Center.  Since a big cast, they need financial support. Jessica advised submitting a written Club Grant proposal with precise request, for consideration at the next PSFA meeting.
  6. Girls Night Out:  Daria Belikov explained the Feb 19-20 event and requested financial support.  They had submitted  a Grant proposal for a $500 grant for a Keynote speaker and t-shirts. Activities include SCREAM Theatre, seminar on safety, empowerment focus, perhaps poetry again; then the overnight lock-in at the school.  PSFA unanimously voted to give them $500.
  7. Summary Reports of Committees
    1. Enrichment/Education:
      1. Catalyst Prep: Dania Bruneau reported that SAT Bootcamp is on  Feb 27th-28th at CHS.
      2. Fundraising: Lang Holtz and Caren McConnell, Dinner/Gift Raffle Co-Chairs, reported that it’s on April 9th .at Jumping Brook Country Club 6-11:00.  Lang wrote to 177 corporate sponsors for donations.  Need volunteers for event set-up, wrapping, transport gift baskets to the venue, and to donate items. PSFA’s biggest fundraiser.
    2. Principal Gleason’s Report:  He gave the CHS PSAT analysis and graphs showing CHS results compared to state and district averages.  Instructional Council met today.  Journalism block will be re-structured.  Media writing course will be revised.  Monmouth Univ. will be taping their show here at our studios.  Career Day on Feb 24th with industry speakers.
  8. Unfinished Business: None.
  9. New Business:  Nominating committee needed in March to put together roster for 2016-2017 PSFA officers. Karen O’Boyle volunteered; interested candidates should email her at
  10. Questions/Suggestions: none
  11. Adjournment:  Carol Pardee motioned, Caren McConnell seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:27.

Next PSFA Meeting: Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 7:30 pm.