June 1, 2017 – PSFA Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome:  Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm.  PSFA officers in attendance:   Janice Quattrocchi, Anthony Quattrocchi, Therese Heidelberger, & Sharon Jemas.  15 attendees.
  2. Co-President’s Report:  Janice Quattrocch i(2017) and Jody Sackett (2018).  Janice reported that the new Bluegrass Mini Golf fundraiser was fun and a BIG success!  
  3. CHS Student Government Association Report:  Mark DiSpigna (2017). New PSFA Reps for next year are Emma Hecht (2019) & Connor Martin (2019).  CHS activities updates: the Drama Club performed “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” on May 5th & profited $4,000. May 19th is the Jr/Sr Prom at Battlegrounds Country Club; May 24th is DV Club sponsored Student Film Festival – Cine Madness in Red Bank; and Teen Arts Festival on May 31st.  Freshman enjoyed Wreck Pond in Spring Lake on  June 1st &  2nd. Canoe Trip at Allaire St Park. Graduation is June 20th, & Council Elections will be soon.  Mark thanked the PSFA overall for its donations, support, and making Mark & the SGA always feel welcome.  Janice thanked Mark for his exceptional work and dedication, and his help in supporting the PSFA events.  
  4. Approval of May 4th, 2017 Minutes:  VP Sharon Jemas (2019) presented Minutes she took for the absentee Recording Secretary at the May meeting.  Janice Quattrocchi  asked for Motion to Approve; Lang Holtz(2017) motioned and Laura Andersen(2019) seconded.  Motion approved.  
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Therese Heidelberger (2019), presented the Treasurer’s budget Report.  Graduation caps & gowns and a $50 Amazon gift card were given by the PSFA to each CHS graduate.  Ten $500 PSFA scholarships were also awarded.  Motion to approve  Treasurer’s Report by Dania Bruneau(2017) & seconded by Dave Wren(2018).  Treasurer’s Report approved.
  6. Corresponding Secretary’s Report:  Anthony Quattrocchi (2017) read  a “Thank you” from Ms Gomez for all of  the wonderful gifts PSFA gave the teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week. He also reminded the PSFA  about a Barbecue at “The Center” in Asbury Park on Sat, June 3rd , requesting volunteers to help the CCC & Ms. Campbell.
  7. Committee Reports:
    1. Fundraising: VP Sharon Jemas (2019).  Bluegrass Mini Golf went well & generated profit of $364. Good attendance by both parents and students. Chairs are needed for the DGR, please sign up!  CHS Swag Sale: No Report.   
    2. Color Wars: David Wren (2018).  Everything is  ready to go.  There is plenty of volunteers & food for tomorrow’s BBQ.
    3. Enrichment/Education: Driver’s Ed – Ann Sasso (2020) No Report.  Dania Bruneau(2017)Catalyst Prep SAT prep boot Camp needs someone to take over this position for next year. Dania will prepare  for the Fall.
    4. Hospitality:  Lang Holtz (2017), Sorca Gill (2019) & Dania Bruneau (2017).  Dania & Sorca will set up a Bagel spread in the cafeteria for Student Finals. Chair & Co-chairs requested for these positions.
    5. Public Relations:  Hope Raymond (2018). Facebook updates continued.     
    6. Alumni: Carol Pardee (2017) & Vivian Cheng (2019) Requested articles for Alumni Newsletter.  Need a Co-chair for next year.
    7. Membership/Directory:  Janet Pepsin (2018) & Lori Littenberg (2020).  Incoming Freshman memberships are still coming in & 27 new Members to date.
  8. Principal Gleason: Reported on upcoming Calendar events.  Thanked & praised Mark DiSpigna (2017) for all his diligent work with CHS & the PSFA  this year, since  Mark went over and beyond his goals for everything, and congratulated Mark on receiving the Student Achiever Brian McAndrew Award.  Graduation will be at the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, June 20th at 3:30pm.
  9. New Business:  The Skills USA competition team,  along with Adviser Ms Maher, came to personally thank the PSFA for the $2,000 Grant; and they detailed all the additional fundraising they have accomplished ($1600 car wash), which meant they would not be applying for another PSFA grant.   They were wished good luck at Nationals this month.
  10. Installation of New PSFA Exec Board Officers:  Outgoing PSFA officers Janice and Anthony were thanked for their dedication the past two years.  Incoming officers Laura Andersen, Kate Megerle, and Aphrodite Noone were installed as new officers for 2017-18.
  11. Adjourn Formal Meeting.  Co-President Janice Quattrocchi  asked for Motion to adjourn.  Lang Holtz motioned, and Dania Bruneau seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.