Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance –Meeting called to order at 7:35. PSFA Officers in attendance: Jessica Evans, Janice Quattrochi, Joanne Passantino, Anthony Quattrochi, Lang Holtz, Jody Sackett. 20 members/students in attendance.

  1. Approval of November PSFA Meeting Minutes -Recording Secretary Jody Sackett (2018) : Joann Boyle motioned to approve; Dania Bruneau seconded. Minutes approved.
  2. Co-Presidents’ Report – Jessica Evans (2017) and Janice Quattrochi (2017): Jessica reported that the freshmen class running a spring plant sale. “The Beast” t-shirts will be sold again via pre-orders.
  3. Principal Gleason’s Report: He explained Colors Wars & encouraged parents to volunteer. Freshmen Orientation next week, 80 incoming students. Marking period ends next week, followed by midterms. PARCC testing for 2nd semester math/English students in May. 365 flags announcing college acceptances up on cafeteria wall. Sophomore members expressed appreciation for College Night.
  4. Treasurer’s Report-Joann Passantino (2016) : $2400 deposited thus far from DGR. Payments made for Career day and the Senior Class trip. Therese Heidelberger approved Treasurer’s report; Karen O’Boyle seconded.
  5. Corresponding Secretary Report-Anthony Quattrochi (2017): Janice reported Communiqué sent out.
  6. CHS Student Government Association Report-Mark DiSpigna (2017). Lauren Masciana reported that the CCC fair is tomorrow eve. CHS competing in NJ Skills on 4/16. Spirit Week starts on 4/18: Battle of Bands that Wednesday, Mr. CHS on 4/22. Points count toward class score. SGA elections on May 5th. Drama club play will be presented on 4/29 and 30 at the NJ Shore Arts Center.
  7. Drama Club members came to request funding for sets, costumes, etc. for their play “Somewhere, Nowhere.” They submitted a formal grant request for $1,000. Membership approved it unanimously.
  8. Summary Reports of Committees
    1. Teacher’s Appreciation Week: May 2- 6th. PSFA donates something every day for staff: breakfast on two days, lunch/sweets on two days, and gift cards on Friday. Janice is chair.
    2.  Membership: Jessica reported that Membership will be offered at Freshmen Orientation, but that incoming freshmen will have to register online. She asked for volunteers on April 14th to help. 2 members volunteered.
    3. Fundraising: Lang Holtz, DGR Co-Chair: Lang & Caren MacConnell reported that 183 guests attending (most ever); over 130 baskets wrapped & ready; Wine Wall has 42 bottles of wine. They thanked many volunteers for hours of work.
    4. Hospitality: Joann Boyle (2015) and Cyndi Hogan (2018): Bagel breakfast for next week’s midterms. Have supplies & workers.
    5. Color Wars: Dave Wren handed out info sheet for June 3rd event. Need many volunteers. Princess Maria provided food at cost last year, hopefully will again. Budget about $1300. Plan to use Sign-up Genius this year to get volunteers as greeters, grillers, for set up and cleanup, & donations of desserts & drinks. Jessica will bring leftovers to The Center again.
    6. Senior scholarship: April 22nd deadline. Guidance counselors gave applications to eligible students with 3.0 GPA & 4-year PSFA.
  9. Unfinished Business: None
  10. New Business: Nomination Chair Karen O’Boyle announced the following nominations: Jody Sackett for Co-President, Karen O’Boyle for Recording Secretary, Therese Heidelberg for Treasurer. Janice and Anthony Quattrocchi will continue in their positions. VP still open. Nominations for open positions can be accepted right up to the May 5th vote next month. New officers installed in June.
  11. Questions/Suggestions: Dave suggested (& offered) to get freshmen more involved early at first PSFA meeting. Karen suggested having mentors for freshmen parents. Parents wanted opportunities to meet each other. More involved parent community means more volunteers.
  12. Adjourn Formal Meeting: Joanne motioned for adjournment. Therese seconded. Meeting dismissed at 8:35.

Next PSFA Meeting: Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 7:30 pm.