Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting called to order at 7:35.  PSFA Officers in attendance: Jessica Evans, Janice Quattrochi, Joanne Passantino, Anthony Quattrochi, Lang Holtz, Jody Sackett. 15 members/students also in attendance.

  1. Co-Presidents’ Report – Jessica Evans (2017) and Janice Quattrochi (2017): Jessica introduced Jody Sackett (2018) as new Recording Secretary, replacing Antoinetta Gibson who resigned due to job conflicts.
  2. Principal Gleason’s Report: 1st Semester PARCC testing completing this week. College Board just sent newly-reformatted PSAT results; printed copies coming later. Students can log onto College Board now to get their scores. CHS is preparing for next year’s academic schedules now.  Winter Ball this Friday.
  3. Approval of November PSFA Meeting Minutes -Recording Secretary Jody Sackett (2018)
    1. Joann Boyle motioned to approve; Dania Bruneau seconded. Minutes approved.
  4. Treasurer’s Report-Joann Passantino (2016) discussed November and limited December   Wine & Design fundraiser brought in $613 profit; T-shirt  sales brought in $180 profit.
  5. Corresponding Secretary Report-Anthony Quattrochi (2017) reported that HTHS asked its MCVSD sister academies for members to text support to help win Verizon Innovative App Challenge $15,000 grant; he provided text address.  The PSFA Communique was emailed out this week.
  6. CHS Student Government Association Report-Mark DiSpigna (Class of 2017). Winter Ball tomorrow benefits class of 2018.  The 3rd Annual Fashion Show will be held at CHS on March 4th.  Drama club just cast “Somewhere, Nowhere;”  play will be held in last week of April (29/30).  CCC raised $1600 with B&N wrapping, breakfast sales, etc.; their  Cultural Festival is on April 8th.   SGA released their own mixed music tape for $5 sale.
  7. Summary Reports of Committees
    1. Enrichment/Education: Driver’s Ed class started yesterday with 17 students; it runs for 10 weeks to provide 30 hrs of classroom instruction for $150.
    2. Fundraising: Lang Holtz, DGR Co-Chair, discussed DGR plans. Thx to Mr. Gleason for printing invites and Laura Anderson for sending them out this week. Caren McConnell, DGR Co-Chair,  asked parents to solicit favorite vendors, perhaps donate a bottle of wine $25, etc. Need LOTS of donations, will take everything from re-gifts, gift cards, frames. New this year will be a Wine Wall.
      1. Magazine sales still ongoing – to order, go to “Support the PSFA” section of CHS website.
      2. RKE printed “The Beast” t-shirts, which made $180 profit for PSFA. May do this again.
      3. Jessica proposed a Calendar Raffle; $20 ticket eligible for 9 chances to win, sold all year.
    3. Hospitality: Joann Boyle (2015) and Cyndi Hogan (2018): Jan 27/28 bagel breakfasts for final exams needs donations, and volunteers to come at 6 am and serve students.
  1. Unfinished Business: None
  2. New Business: Jessica proposed substituting Per-Student PSFA memberships for previous Family Memberships, effective with the 2017 Freshmen class.  Current students will all be grandfathered in as Family Membership.  Jessica motioned, 18 in favor, 3 abstentions, no opposed.  Motion approved.
  3. Questions/Suggestions: None.
  4. Adjourn Formal Meeting: Janet Pepsin motioned, Joann Boyle seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:23.

Next PSFA Meeting: Thursday, February 4th, 2016 at 7:30 pm.