September 8, 2016 – PSFA Meeting Minutes: APPROVED


  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance, and Welcome. Meeting called to order at 7:33.    PSFA Officer’s in attendance Janice Quattrocchi, Jody Sackett, Sharon Jemas, Therese Heidelberger, Lucie Dickenson. 61 members/students in attendance.


  • Co-President Report.  Janice Quattrocchi (2017) and Jody Sackett (2018): Welcome to first meeting, Request sign-ups for committees. Freshman parent mentoring program launched in June, email if interested in becoming a mentor or having a mentor.
  • Introduction of 2016-2017 Officers: Janice Quattrocchi (2017) and Jody Sackett (2018), Co-Presidents; Sharon Jemas (2019,) VP Therese Heidelberger (2019), Treasurer; Anthony Quattrocchi (2017), Corr Sec’y;  Lucie Dickenson (2019) Rec. Sec’y.
  • Introduction of Committee Chairs: Gift Auction- Sharon Jemas. Hospitality- Lang Holtz,  Dania Bruneau, Sorca Gill. Communique Newsletter, Jen Compagni. Membership-Jessica Evans, Tina Cavazzoni. Alumni- Viven Cheng and Carol Pardee. Beach Bonfire- Jocelyn and Bob Graney. Color Wars- Dave Wren. Public Relations- Lucie Dickenson


  1.  Approval of June 2, 2016 Minutes: Recording Secretary Lucie Dickenson.   Janet Pepsin motioned to approve; Laura Anderson seconded. Minutes approved.
  2.  Treasurer’s Report: Therese Heidelberger.  Budget begins in August, only one transaction thus far, a deposit, for new budget. Aphrodite Noone motioned to approve. Dave Wren seconded. Budget and Treasurer Report approved.
  3.  Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Janice Quattrocchi read student thank you  for PSFA $500 scholarship. Janice advised to be eligible for one of the PFSA scholarships, you need to be a PSFA member all four years.  
  4.  CHS Student Government Association Report: Mark DiSpinga (2017) Mark reported new SGA advisor Mrs. Morgan. SGA and NHS met with Freshmen to welcome to CHS. Eunoia project is underway to address stress. Thompson Park Freshmen was a success. SGA revamping presentations for prospective students.  Club fair set for Sept 15th.  
  5.  Committee Reports


  • Parent/Student Activities:  Beach Bonfire.Jocelyn and Bob Graney Set for Sept 16th, rain date Sept 17th. Volunteers requested, please contact Jocelyn or Bob to volunteer your help. Dave Wren spoke on behalf of Color Wars, which is set for early June. BBQ also set for that date.
  • Fundraising:
  • Dinner Gift Auction: Sharon Jemas spoke. Dinner Gift Auction set for March 25th at Jumping Brook. Volunteers needed for committees.
  • Wine & Design. Jody Sackett spoke. Set for November 4th, information in Communique
  • Miniature Golf. Sharon Jemas spoke.Family night set for April 21st Monmouth Race Park
  • Hospitality: Dania Bruneau spoke. Volunteers and donations requested. CHS hosting All District PSFA Meeting on Oct 18th at 6:30pm.
  • Membership/Directory: Jessica Evans. 67 new members as of 9/8/16.  Directory should be available Back to School Night.
  • Communique Newsletter: Jen Compagni. Newsletter to showcase activities and clubs. September issue has been sent.
  • Enrichment/Education: Dania Bruneau spoke about SAT Catalyst prep program set for Sept 24th and 25th. Jessica Evans spoke about Drivers Education written test prep class which begins on January 25th. Both classes may require parent volunteers as chaperones
  • Alumni: Viven Cheng spoke about getting help to get alumni’s contact info. Wishes to have alumni speak at career day and have a part in PSFA.
  • Public Relations: New Committee. Looking for volunteers to help.
  • Remind Me Text: Jody Sackett spoke about the new Text Alert System available to all parents and students. Directions to sign up in this month’s Communique.


  1. Principal Gleason’s Report. Opening of school a success. Bussing challenges 1st day of school resolved 2nd day of school. Thompson Park trip was a great success, as was the assembly to welcome students. Gearing up for Back to School Night, schedule to be sent  home next week for Back to School Night.
  2.  Unfinished Business: None
  3. New Business: Student Grant Request. Students Kat Holtz, Kiera Rodgers, Daniela  Delgado and Cole Raymond spoke to the members requesting approval of their request for $1,000 grant to go towards their stay in NYC for the All American HS Film Festival. Money would be put toward their stay, costumes for actors and other expenses for the trip.
  4.   Adjourn Formal Meeting: Dave Wren motioned, April seconded. Meeting adjourned. 8:35.


Next PSFA Meeting on October 6th at 7:30 pm.