Co-Presidents’ Corner
By Laura Andersen (parent of Julianna, Class of 2019) and Michelle Rosenberg (parent of Aidan, Class of 2020)
Hello to our CHS families! We hope everyone is staying warm these chilly days knowing that spring can’t be too far off?? The PSFA is gearing up for our second half of the year with our traditional activities and we’re looking forward to June for our end-of-the-year Bonfire. It’s never too early to get excited about this one! Please make sure to take a look below at our upcoming activities and if you find that you have some free time on your hands, it’s never too late to volunteer. The PSFA has so many activities coming up we can always use an extra set of hands!
- Wine & Design – Thank you Yvette DeFabritus for coordinating this Parents’ night out! If you haven’t signed up for our evening of painting and beverages, it’s not too late. Pinot’s Palette in Red Bank is the place, Sunday,February 10th at 5:30 pm is the date and time, painting wood signs is the amazing project and sharing food and drinks with your CHS friends is the fun! Click here for more information. We hope to see you there!
- Havana Night – Our biggest fundraiser of the year is not too far away. Our CHS families should have received your invitations for this fun-filled night. Sharon Jemas, Louise Krall and their dedicated team of volunteers are working hard to make this the best Dinner & Gift Auction EVER! The date is Saturday, March 30th at the Jumping Brook Country Club in Neptune. With this our biggest fundraiser endeavor of the year, there’s no doubt it takes a hard-working team to pull it together. Interested in helping? Please take a look at how you can contribute either a gift, your time or both to help. Reach out to Sharon and Louise at the following email address, they would LOVE the assistance: chsdgr1740@gmail.com.
- Gift Wrapping Bash – Come join us to create lovely gift baskets for the upcoming Dinner Gift Raffle. Absolutely no talent required, just enthusiasm. It’s a fun way to meet other CHS parents while helping our school.
- Thank you to our Hospitality Committee and Chairs Gayle Topper and Lynn Kuo for coordinating another successful bagel breakfast the last week of January for our students during their finals! Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who came out at crack of dawn to help organize this CHS tradition!
- Calling all Senior Parents: Please join us at ourFebruary 7th Meeting at 615pm to talk to underclassmen parents about the College process. Your experiences and knowledge will be of great assistance and we’re certain that your personal experience will certainly help those who are starting the process.
- Vineyard Vines T-Shirts are available for purchase! Please email chs.psfa@gmail.com if you are interested in purchasing!
- Have any interesting news you’d like to share about your CHS student? We’re happy to post on FB and Instagram so send it our way! Love to share your students’ accomplishments!