November 3, 2016 – PSFA Meeting Minutes

    1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance, and Welcome. Meeting called to order at 7:35.  PSFA Officer’s in attendance Janice Quattrocchi (2017), Jody Sackett (2018), Sharon Jemas (2019), and Therese Heidelberger (2019). 22 members/students in attendance.
    2. Co-President Report.  Janice Quattrocchi and Jody Sackett: Janice spoke about the All-District meeting held at CHS.
    3. Approval of October 6, 2016 Minutes:  Jody Sackett spoke for Lucie Dickenson about Minutes being posted on website along with a draft agenda. This will enable members to view upcoming activities. Motion to approve Minutes: Sharon Jemas. Anne Sasso seconded. Minutes approved.  Therese Heidelberger took Minutes for this meeting due to Lucie’s absence.
    4. Treasurer’s Report: Therese Heidelberger. Annual Donation Campaign is receiving overwhelming support. State report is filed. Dania Bruneau motioned to approve the budget, Susan McLaughlin seconded. Budget approved.
    5. Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Janice Quattrocchi spoke for Anthony Quattrocchi. Read thank you letter from the DV Club for the Student Grant, and passed around many thank-you letters that DV club team members sent PSFA.
    6. CHS Student Government Association Report: SGA President.  The Halloween Dance on October 28, 2016 was a Skills USA fundraiser. Fall Spirit Week began on October 31st with a costume contest. Tuesday was Pajama Day and a Jenga competition, Wednesday was Punk Grunge Day with a water bottle flipping contest, Thursday was Fancy Day and an Art Contest, Friday was HS Stereotype Day and Dodgeball contest. Scavenger Hunts and Penny Wars were held during lunch. The senior class was the overall winner. Info Sessions are going well with revamped style. 3 on 3 basketball had 8 teams competing on October 25. Photo Club visited Grounds for Sculpture and Mock elections and Debate were held.
    7. Committee Reports:
      • Fundraising: Sharon Jemas. Wine & Design is set for November 4th at Pinot’s Palette 7-10pm, still room to register for this event. Jane Sennett’s name was picked to receive the door prize of a free ticket to the Wine and Design. DGR has a co-chair Tammy Perconti. DGR is set for March 25 at Jumping Brook Country Club. Invitations were shown. All members were asked to use their connections and relationships to solicit donations for the gift auction at the DGR.An alumni table will be set up for the event. Mini Golf fundraiser will be Friday May 12 from 6-9pm at Monmouth Park Racetrack.
      • Hospitality: Dania Bruneau advised the bagel breakfast are all set for mid-terms. The All District Meeting went well with many volunteering and donating decorations.
      • Membership/Directory: Jessica Evans. A small amount of students on payment plan for membership had expired credit cards that can’t be processed by PayPal.
      • Enrichment/Education: Dania Bruneau advised the next SAT class will be offered in March; the ACT class was held on October 15th.  Ann Sasso spoke about Drivers Ed that will run 1/25/16 – 3/29/16. There are 11 students registered to date. Students are being asked to register by January. Emails with schedule of chaperone dates were being sent out. Email blast and Remind notices to be sent out mid-November.
      • Alumni: Vivien Chang and Carol Pardee advised that the Alumni newsletter had been mailed to all 2012-2016 alumni on record. An alumni survey is on the PFSA website and had received 18 responses of alumni through 2004.
      • Public Relations: The PFSA website has been updated and will be updated more regularly.
    8. Principal Gleason: DV Club participated in the All American High School Film Festival. They won $2500 Maverick Award and $5000 Fan Favorite Award. PSAT’s scores are scheduled to be in on December 5th, will report scores at January meeting. Midterms are on November 8th and 9th. Career Day will be held December 2nd.  Rework of school info sessions has been very successful. Design Academy info sessions will be held in February.
    9. Unfinished Business:  No unfinished business.
    10. New Business: The recently approved Junior State of America Debate Team president i requested a student activity grant of $600 to cover busing costs to a Junior States of America competition. 18 students and 2 chaperones will be attending.  They reported the fundraising efforts of the club to date – they host hot chocolate sales each week which raise close to $35/week. The grant request was discussed and the PFSA general membership decided to increase the amount granted to the cap of $1000. Jessica Evans motioned to vote on the $1000 grant, Jane Sennett seconded. The student grant request received a unanimous vote of all in attendance.
      Jody spoke about December Meeting. There will be a brief meeting followed by a CHS “Swag” sale to promote CHS pride. All items will be sold close to cost, not as a fundraiser. Clubs are invited to come and sell fundraise items at this meeting. The clubs will need to pre-register.  Cookie Exchange and special refreshments too.
  1.    Adjourn Formal Meeting: Jane Sennett motioned to adjourn meeting, Sharon Jemas seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.