PSFA Board 2023-2024

PSFA Committee Heads

CHS PSFA Committee Descriptions

Hospitality: These dedicated parents provide refreshments for various school functions throughout the year, such as PSFA meetings, Open Houses, and student midterm/final exam Bagel Breakfasts. The committee is a terrific way to become involved in the CHS community, as you get to work with (and meet) a lot of parents. Contact the Hospitality Chairperson at

Membership: This committee actively seeks 100% parental participation in the PSFA. Our membership information is collected online and the PSFA webmaster currently oversees the database.  The membership committee attends Freshmen Orientation to facilitate registration and Back-to-School night to hand out PSFA directories.  The committee chairs work with PayPal and our webmaster. Contact the Membership Chairperson at

Enrichments: This committee schedules the SAT Prep Course, Driver’s Education course, and Parent Chats, updating PSFA families with information regarding each and facilitating course sign-ups.

Color Wars

Color Wars: This is the most exciting event of the year for our students! Every June our students get to show off their competitive side as the student Color Teams compete against each other in various events. This committee oversees the event as well as coordinating responsibilities with many parent volunteers for the day, including greeters, BBQ grillers, food & drink set up, and cleanup. It’s a great opportunity to meet parents and be a part of an exciting day at CHS.

Gift Auction and Super 50/50: Several fundraising events enable the PSFA to provide financial support for many student activities, events, and scholarships. Our two biggest fundraisers are the Super 50/50 in the Fall and the Gift Auction Dinner held in the Spring; The Gift Auction committee solicits donations and ads, creates event decorations and the program, and wraps, displays, & presents the gift baskets. Many volunteers are needed for this committee and it’s a superb way to meet other parents and learn a lot about CHS. To volunteer or donate contact

Public Relations: This committee is responsible for communicating PSFA activities and achievements to families & the school community, through our Facebook page and other venues. Contact the Public Relations Chairperson at

For further information on any of these committees, or to volunteer, please email us at We welcome your help and support!

The Communiqué

The Communiqué is the newsletter of the Parent-Student-Faculty Association (PSFA) of the Monmouth County Communications High School (CHS). It is published monthly, distributed to the entire school by the principal, and shares news of PSFA activities, school events, faculty updates, and more.  Contact the Communiqué editor at

Website Questions

The website is designed, maintained by Mark Allen on behalf of the PSFA Board. For technical issues regarding the website or the email subscription, please contact Mark.