Please join the PSFA! Your child will benefit and it is a great way to meet other families and get an inside scoop on all the school happenings. There is no pressure to volunteer. You can do as little or as much as you want.
The PSFA is an organization in which the parents, students and faculty of CHS work together toward a common goal: to enhance the educational opportunities at CHS in ways that have the potential to benefit the entire school.
We provide many activities, resources, and events to support the CHS faculty, students, and parents.
- The PSFA benefits the students of CHS in the following ways:
- Transportation for all class trips (Freshmen through Senior!)
- Faculty Grants
- Eligibility for ten $500 PSFA Graduation Awards presented each year to Seniors. (To be eligible, the student family must be PSFA members for the student’s tenure.)
- Graduation caps/gowns for all seniors
- Financial Assistance for clubs such as the Drama Club, Digital Video, and Skills USA competitions
- PSFA Member Directory
- Beginning of school Sweets by the Beach event
- End of school year BBQ (Color Wars)
- Bagel Breakfasts prior to midterm/final exams
- Lunch for guest speakers at Career Day
We are looking forward to meeting you! Please email membership@chs-psfa.org with any questions or for more
Click here to find our membership registration page.
Thank you for your support!