Co-Presidents’ Corner
By Laura Andersen (parent of Julianna, Class of 2019) and Michelle Rosenberg (parent of Aidan, Class of 2020)
Spring is coming and we couldn’t be more excited about all of the amazing events that are still to come at CHS!
First, congratulations to our seniors. It is so awe-inspiring to see the flags displayed in the cafeteria showing what college acceptances have come in. We are so proud of all of you for your incredible accomplishments!
A note for our CHS senior parents: The PSFA awards ten $500 scholarships to seniors, applications will be available shortly. Any senior with a GPA of 90 or higher whose family has been a member of the PSFA during their whole tenure at CHS should receive a Graduation Award application form, which must be completed and returned to the Guidance Office by mid-April (exact date TBA). District representatives review and choose the award recipients, and scholarships are given out at the Senior Banquet on June 4th. Please contact Guidance for more info.
A huge thank you to Yvette DeFabritus for chairing our Annual Wine & Design event. This event was enjoyed by all who attended and the signs that were made were stunning! Thank you to all who participated!
We thank you for all your support in helping make CHS a truly special place for our students! As always, please feel free to contact us anytime at chs-psfa@gmail.com. We love to hear from our members. Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Thursday, March 7th!
Upcoming PSFA Events:
- PARENT CHAT – Please join us at CHS on March 7th at 6:00 pm for a Parent Chat Session focusing on choosing CHS electives and AP classes. Faculty members will provide helpful insight as to how your child can make the most of their elective choices. We hope you’ll stay for our regular PSFA meeting that begins immediately afterwards at 7:00 pm; you won’t even have to change your seat to attend.
- PSFA ANNUAL GIFT AUCTION – The PSFA is hard at work on the Annual Dinner and Gift Raffle, “Havana Nights” which is on Saturday, March 30th, doors open at 6pm. Please visit the website for more information about this truly incredible evening! We hope to see you all there! For those who’d like to help, we encourage you to attend a Basket Wrapping Bash! Our next one is scheduled for March 9th from 3:00 – 5:00 pm and this is our special “Freshman Wrap” session. Everyone is welcome, but for our new freshman parents, this would be a great time to come out and meet some other parents who have freshman students. Remember, no talent needed to wrap baskets, we are happy to show you what to do!
- UPCOMING PSFA ELECTIONS – Elections for the 2019-2020 PSFA Officers will be held at the May PSFA meeting. This is a great opportunity for those who may want to give some of their time for an outstanding cause! Officer positions are open for Co-President, Vice President of Fundraising & Recording Secretary. Please nominate yourself or someone else whom you feel would be an asset as an officer (or committee chair) of the PSFA. In addition, co-chairs are needed for several important committees next year, including Membership. More information is listed about this position below.
Upcoming CHS Events:
- SGA 2019 FASHION SHOW – Come support our students at the 2019 SGA Fashion Show starting at 6pm on March 1stat Communications High School.
- BATTLE OF THE BANDS – This event will be held at CHS on Friday, March 15th at 6pm. Parents welcome to join in and listen to the amazing talent CHS has to offer!
- NAHS ART SHOW – Come on March 29th at 5pm to see the work of our amazingly talented students on display followed by the NAHS induction of the newest members.
Other Notes:
Special thanks from the Hospitality Committee…
- Membership Chair needed!
- NHS Blood Drive: One of the club’s most successful events!