Meeting Notes – February 6, 2025

Meeting Minutes

Communications High School – PSFA Meeting

February 6, 2025 


Executive Board Members Present

Janet Schneider – President 

Patti Riddle – Co-President 

Janelle Checkett, Vice President Fundraising

MaryAnn Doyle, Treasurer

Melissa Skrocki, Recording Secretary

Brenda Connolly, Corresponding Secretary

  • Call to Order.   President Janet Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:01pm and lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
  • SGA Report: Phineaus Whedon  – SGA President
  • The SGA is preparing for the annual fashion show which will be held on March 21.  The theme will be “CHS in Bloom”.   90 students will be participating in the show.  Tickets will be sold at school and at the door.
  • The SGA will hold its annual Compatibility Fundraiser in February. 
  • A few new clubs have been formed.  They are Forensics Club, Pickleball Club and Tabletop Games Club.
  • Phineaus summarized events from the Fall including the Masquerade Homecoming Dance,  Charlie and Chocolate Factory, NHS and NTHS inductions, Coffeehouse and the Great Gatsby Winter Ball.   
  • Tomorrow NTHS will host a career day at CHS and will have various speakers share information about their careers. 
  • February 12  – CHS will host a game night for all sophomores in MCSVD. 
  • February 21 –  GSA will host the GSA Soiree which will be a night filled with boardgames, trivia games, live music and fun activities.   
  • Grant Requests
  • Music Club   – Fiona Griffin presented on behalf of the Music Club.  It has been in place for 2 years.  In the club, students teach other students how to play musical instruments, vocal instruction and provide music theory lessons.   The club needs the following instruments/equipment: drum kit, drumsticks, drum pads, guitars (acoustic, electric and bass) and amps.   While the club is not requesting a PSFA grant at this time, they are asking the PSFA for their help in soliciting donations.  They will provide a social media post they have developed and the PSFA will repost it.   All donations can be dropped off at the Main Office. 
  • The Inkblot  – Nolan O’Keefe & Ava Rubinstein, the editors for The Inkblot, requested a grant of $750 to help fund a trip for about 10 juniors for a conference held at Columbia University to learn about journalism on March 19 and 20. A motion to approve the grant was made and approved unanimously by the PSFA. 
  • President’s Report – Janet Schneider 
  • BioTech High Scholl is hosting a virtual parent chat on March 25 at 7pm titled “What I Wish I Knew”.  It is a panel discussion will discuss the teen mental health and provide discussion points on establishing talking points with your children about mental health.  
  • The PSFA is organizing an online driver’s education class.  The 8-session course begins on March 11 and runs through April 3 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7-8pm.  The cost is $100 per student.   
  • If there is an interest of at least 8 or more students to hold a virtual SAT course over the summer, the PSFA is glad to organize it.   If interested, please email Janet at
  • The PSFA updated its bylaws, and the Executive Board approved the new bylaws in its meeting.  They will be posted on the PSFA website. 
  • Secretary’s Report – Melissa Skrocki 
  • The December minutes were posted on the PSFA website.  There was a motion to approve the minutes by Janet Schneider which was seconded by Patti Riddle.    The December minutes were approved unanimously by the PSFA.  
  • Treasurer’s Report – MaryAnn Doyle
  • We raised over $9,000 with Super 50/50.  Thank you to all who participated! 
  • The PSFA paid $3,800 for the buses for the Senior Trip. 
  • The PSFA earned approximately $500 from the spirit wear sales with Sneakers Plus. 
  • We would like to note that there was a generous private donation to the PSFA which was matched by an employer at the end of the year.   Thank you to the donor.  If your employer offers a matching program, please keep the PSFA in mind.  Thank you!   
  • Regarding the Driver’s Education class, we will cover our cost if we have 10 or more sign up.  If not, the PSFA will need to kick in funding.  Please keep in mind that at CHS we run this program at cost and do not make this a fundraiser, as is the case with other MCVSD schools.      
  •  Fundraising Committee– Janelle Checkett & Patti Riddle
  • The gift auction will be held on April 25 at The Breakers at 6pm.  
        1. If you are business owner, please consider purchasing an ad in our event booklet. 
        2. We will have a silent auction which will include 6 front row tickets for graduation with 2 preferred parking passes. 
        3. Please check out our Amazon wish list for donations. 
        4. If you are able to make a donation, please drop it off with at the Main Office and label it “PSFA”.  
        5. Tickets for the auction will max out at 150.  We sold out last year and are hoping to do so again this year. 
  • Membership Committee  – Krista Kingsley
  •  The PSFA will fund 10 $500 scholarships for CHS Seniors.  To be eligible, the family of the student must be a member of the PSFA.  Guidance counselors will select the winners of each of the scholarships.   
  • Hospitality Committee – Krista Kingsley 
  • Tomorrow is Career Day at CHS and the PSFA will provide breakfast for the event.  
  • Next PSFA Meeting is on March 6 at 7pm.  It will be virtual.  


Motion to Adjourn at 8:04.