Communications High School – PSFA Meeting
November 14, 2024 – Call to order at 7:00pm by Patti Riddle
Executive Board Members Present:
Patti Riddle – Co-President
Janelle Checkett, Vice President Fundraising
MaryAnn Doyle, Treasurer
Brenda Connolly, Corresponding Secretary
- SGA Report – Phin Whedon, President
- The SGA organized a battle of the classes for Spirit Week during the last week of October. The week included 5 different themed days. The Seniors came in first place followed by the Junior class in 2nd , Sophomores in 3rd and in 4th, the Freshman class.
- The week before Spirit Week, the PSFA hosted a spirit wear sale and competition. The Seniors came in first place earning $250 for their class bank. The Juniors came in second earning $200 and the Sophomores and Freshman tied for third, each earning $100 for their class bank.
- The SGA thanked the PSFA for hosting bagel breakfasts during midterms.
- Skills USA is hosting a masquerade homecoming dance on November 15.
- The Drama Club will be presenting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on November 20 & 21. Tickets are available online and at the door.
- Principal’s Report – Ms. Bonilla
- Last night, CHS hosted the final info session for potential applicants. There was a large turnout, and we received positive feedback on the new format which focused more on students sharing their experience and less on formal presentations. Next year, Ms. Bonilla would like to have more student created swag to share with applicants and to expand social media marketing campaigns created by students. A big thank you to the SGA and their advisor, Ms. Morgan, for all of their help with the info sessions.
- Ms. Bonilla is meeting with teachers to plan for classes for next Fall and she is looking for parent feedback on classes as well as the class schedule (i.e. block scheduling vs a bell schedule).
- The gallery walls and related equipment have begun to arrive and should be set up by the Spring.
- She has been meeting with the Seniors to discuss their class trip which looks like it may be a Broadway trip but details and pricing is still being worked out to see if that is viable.
- There are ongoing discussions with the MCVSD regarding the potential elimination of midterms. Ms. Bonilla is in favor of eliminating them and will continue to engage in discussions with the district and teachers on this topic. Finals would not be eliminated. If midterms are not eliminated, Ms. Bonilla will advocate to not have them immediately after convention break as the district did this year.
- Ms. Bonilla is organizing an event in February with professionals for a student mentorship event. If parents know of anyone that would be helpful, please reach out to her.
- President’s Report – Patti Riddle
- The PSFA has set up a sale of spirit wear with Sneakers Plus via their website. Sales are open until November 20 and will be delivered before the holidays.
- Super 50/50 – The PSFA Super 50/50 is doing great! To date we’ve sold 141 tickets and the 1st place winner will get at least $4,200, second place $2,100 and third $700. There are 300 tickets available and we are hoping to sell all of them. The funds all go back into the school. The PSFA provides a lot of support for student activities and we are encouraging each family in the school to sell a ticket. Drawing is Dec. 12. The link for sales is available on the PSFA website and is: https://chs-psfa.org/super-50-50-raffle/
- Patti requested a motion to approve the prior PSFA meeting minutes from October. A motion was made and all those in attendance approved the October meeting minutes.
- Please read the Communique – the PSFA newsletter. It is posted on the PSFA website: https://chs-psfa.org/category/communique/
- Treasurers Report – MaryAnn Doyle
- We have gotten off to a good start with the raffle sales. This has the potential to be a big fundraiser for the school. Please share the link for sales with friends and family.
- The PSFA made approximately $200 from the driver’s education class that was run earlier in the Fall
- Committee Reports
- Book Club – Patti Riddle
- There will be a parent book club meeting On Thursday, November 21 at the Princess Maria Diner in Wall at 6pm. The book is Anxious Generation.
- Motion to Adjourn