NHS Celebrates Breast Cancer Walk Fundraising Success

On October 20th, the CHS chapter of the National Honors Society (NHS) took another step towards cementing a new yearly tradition with their second annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Point Pleasant. Students and other members of the CHS community donned pink clothing and accessories and walked three miles together to raise awareness and support for those fighting the disease. 

The CHS team, comprised of 48 students, teachers, and family members, raised $2,510, due to the generosity of those who donated to the cause. 

This achievement marked an increase from last year’s fundraising and NHS, as a whole, plans to continue this pattern of helping the local community through school-led involvement. The funds raised will go to helping support breast cancer research, as well as assisting patients with expenses, such as lodging/travel, wigs, etc. 

“[Raising more money] makes me want to keep doing this, making it a CHS tradition and doing a little bit better every year,” Justine Lane, math teacher and NHS advisor said. 

The event was led by the NHS council and Senior Tess Rempel, the committee chair for the walk. With the help of the club, they organized advertisement, student involvement, and other aspects. NHS President and senior Heather Griffin agreed with Lane, also hoping to see the event’s success elevated in the future. 

“The walk itself was a lot of fun for everyone who went. We all got to spend a few hours together and support such a great cause,” Griffin said. “Council and I worked hard this year to get as much involvement from everyone as we could. I really hope that even more people at CHS will contribute in the future.”