NHS Celebrates One of Their Most Successful Events!

Blood Drive

On February 8th, the National Honors Society held their annual blood drive, raising 52 pints of blood and becoming one of the club’s most successful events. In collaboration with Vitalant, a national company with bases throughout New Jersey, the drive was staffed by NHS members under the leadership of Emma Hecht and Grace Quakenbush, the chairs of the club’s Blood Drive committee.

A few weeks prior to the drive, NHS hosted a kick-off assembly for upperclassmen with a representative from Vitalant, in order to inform them on the requirements for giving blood and encouraging them to donate. This was NHS’s first year working with Vitalant, as the club’s usual partner, Central Jersey Blood Center, closed late last year.

Juniors and seniors who met health and weight requirements, and received parental permission, were able to donate. Many members of the club also brought their parents and other relatives along, increasing the number of donations. Besides giving blood, over 45 members of NHS contributed by either staffing the front desk, the wellness/recovery room, and donating food and drinks to be given to donors.

The blood donated has already been sent to local hospitals within the area, helping patients in need. Quakenbush, along with NHS as a whole, is excited about the club’s willingness to give to the community and predicts even more success for future years.

“I’m excited for next year…I feel really prepared going into it,” she said, “Everything went incredibly well, mostly because of the help and donations from all of the NHS members.”